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1702 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 6 ◦ St. Augustine, FL 32084 ◦ (904) 827-1781

  • Weed Control, Pest Control & Fertilization for Residential & Commercial Turf

  • Quarterly Perimeter Pest Control for Residences

JUly 2024

In the month of July we will continue our applications of insecticide, Florida Friendly liquid fertilizer and spot treatments of weeds. 

On a different note, this is the season for a lot of outdoor entertaining which often means ants, wasps, flies and mosquitoes can become an issue inside and outside of your home. Continue reading for helpful tips in dealing with these common pests. 


The two main times ants enter a home is when it is dry outdoors and they come inside seeking supplies, and when it rains they are flooded out of their natural environment and come inside seeking dry ground.

  • Ants enter your home through any tiny gaps between the walls and utility lines, around your windows, and any other small holes or cracks—caulking around those areas can aid in keeping them out.

  • Ants can climb bushes and trees to enter your home, and mulching provides nesting for them— keep your outside plantings and mulch about one foot away from your house.  

  • Fix any water leaks and insulate cold pipes and appliances to eliminate condensation.  The most important thing to ants is water and they will happily make their way into your home to get to it. Do not over-water your houseplants and empty any pot saucers containing water.

  • Leave pet food out only at feeding time and wash  food bowls daily.

  • Always store your pet’s food in airtight containers.

  • For a long term solution for ants, place ant baits or gels where you have seen them. Watch for the bait or gel to disappear and repeat the process until you no longer see the ants. Be patient, as it most often takes a bit of time while they take the poison back to their colony eventually killing all of them.


Wasps have a sweet tooth, so the easy thing to remember is just don’t feed them!

  • Keep fruits covered at all times and serving juices in pitchers with lids. 

  • Throw away trash in lid sealed containers.


Flies are a nuisance for many reasons but mostly because they can carry disease. 

  • Keep them at bay by using fans outside.

  • Serve food in containers with removable lids.

  • Place trash receptacles as far away from you as possible.

  • Remove scented candles from outside (mosquitoes, as well as flies and wasps, can mistake their scent for fruit or flowers).


Mosquitoes are an issue for everyone and with the diseases they carry, it’s important to do what you can to avoid attracting them.

  • Remove any scented candles from outside (mosquitoes, as well as flies and wasps, can mistake their scent for fruit or flowers).

  • Eliminate any standing water outside your home. That means emptying bird baths and kiddy pools at least once a week and turning over any pots or receptacles  you may have stored outside so they do not become breeding grounds for them.

  • Consider adding mosquito dunks to your bird bath which are not harmful to birds. They are easily purchased at Home Depot, Ace Hardware and even through Amazon.

  • Change your outside light bulbs to yellow during the warmer months. While this does not repel bugs, it may help because the insects cannot see the yellow as well as the white light.  

Lastly, along with pests, heat, and buzzing insects, we are now in our hurricane season, which means we need to be P R E P A R E D. This is the time to prune your trees of any weak and dead limbs; you may even consider hiring a tree surgeon to tidy up your trees. You should survey the contents of your yard to get an idea of what and how much you would have to move if a hurricane were imminent. You may find it’s easier to go ahead and put some things in storage for the season. It goes without saying that you need your hurricane supplies on hand now. Don’t wait until the last moment when supplies are often at a minimum, or possibly unavailable, and the crowds are great. Visit the “Florida Disaster” website @   and print their checklist. Remember it is crucial to have a plan in place should you want or have to evacuate. Another great website is our County Emergency Management @  Be sure to review what evacuation route your home is in. Remember, just as you need a plan for yourself and your loved ones, you need a plan in place for your pets too. While we all hope we won’t have to deal with any hurricanes this year, it’s always better to be ready now than unprepared later.