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1702 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 6 ◦ St. Augustine, FL 32084 ◦ (904) 827-1781

  • Weed Control, Pest Control & Fertilization for Residential & Commercial Turf

  • Quarterly Perimeter Pest Control for Residences


This month we will be continuing our blanket weed-control applications, which consists of pre and post emergent herbicides, to control broad-leafed weeds, as well as a liquid winterizer. Please remember It takes a full 21-days from the date of your application for the full results to be reached. Additionally, should it rain the day of your application, or shortly thereafter, please note that we cannot return for retreatment until the 21 days have passed, as we have no idea how much of the application was absorbed into your lawn until after the 21-day time frame has passed. This also applies to lawns that may be mowed shortly after this application.

As we approach the end of Daylight Savings Time on November 3, remember to reset your irrigation system to from twice weekly to once weekly. For those with even addresses your irrigation day is Sunday, and for those with odd addresses it is Saturday. We are still allowed one hour per zone and “irrigation using a hand-held hose equipped with a spray nozzle that can be adjusted so water flows only as needed” is allowed anytime. There are exceptions to these rules. For more information, visit: call (800) 232-0904.

On a different note, as we enter the season of thankfullness and giving, we are sharing some of our favorite local charities. If you have been with us for awhile, you know our founder, James A. Curtis, is a retired Navy Captain so it goes without saying that supporting our past and present military has always been very important to us. One of the most relevant charitable organizations for this seaon is Wreaths Across America a wonderful organization that honors our fallen heroes.

 If you are in a position to help you might also consider donating/volunteering for one of the following local organizations. 

St. Francis House

St. Augustine Sertoma

St. Augustine Homeless Services & Emergency Coalition

St. Johns Food Pantry

The Salvation Army

Betty Griffin Center

This Veteran's Day we humbly offer a "thank you" to all verterans and their families for their selflessness and countless sacrifices on behalf of every American.
we wish you a happy Veteran's Day.


lastly, from our families to yours, may your Thanksgiving be abundantly blessed.