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1702 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 6 ▪ St. Augustine, FL 32084 ▪ (904) 827-1781

  • Weed Control, Pest Control & Fertilization for Residential & Commercial Turf

  • Quarterly Perimeter Pest Control for Residences


February marks the month when our annual lawn program commences. We will be applying a pre and post-emergence herbicide for the control of the weeds not yet emerged and for those that are already growing, combined with a specifically formulated winterizer not intended to "green up" your lawn; the next six applications will include fertilizers formulated for that purpose. 

After a somewhat mild start to our winter season, we have received some very cold temperatures in our area. Depending on your location you may have received frost, or a freeze, which may have resulted in damage to your turf and ornamentals. This month through March we will most likely receive more cold weather with the potential for additional frosts and freezes. Once we are fully into spring, with consistent warm days and nights, you may question whether any damage to your landscape is permanent. Below are a few things to remember.


St. Augustine grass is a semi-tropical grass that is not meant to be green year-round. In NE Florida most lawns enter dormancy in late fall to early winter which results in a brown/brownish lawn throughout the season. It can be damaged by frosts and freezes, especially if it hasn’t entered full dormancy and had enough time to adapt to the cold weather. How do you know what is in dormancy and what has been damaged? As frustrating as it might seem, time will only tell. Until we have consistently warm days and nights in the spring and have fully started the growing season, it is very difficult to differentiate between the two because both appear brown. With the help of our spring fertilizer application, and the correct cultural practices made by you (the proper watering and correct mowing height and frequency) you may be surprised to find what you thought was damaged, or perhaps dead, was instead dormant.

Consequently, you may get an advanced case of spring fever and want to mow your lawn short to rid it of the brown grass. Doing so is a surefire recipe for disaster! Remember that the shorter you mow, the more shallow the root system of your grass, which in turn can lead to more winter damage. St. Augustine grass should always be maintained at a height of at least 3.5 to 4.5 inches. By maintaining it at the correct height you avoid exposing the new and very tender growth to future cold weather. Furthermore, you do not want to “dethatch” your lawn by raking up the brown grass because it disrupts and/or tears the runners which are critical to the growth of your grass. Raking the brown blades also exposes the runners to the cold temps, making them susceptible to damage that is often irreversible. 


During our winter through mid to late spring months, you may notice a lot of weeds in your lawn. We know you hate to see them as much as we do, but they are quite normal this time of year. Why do weeds grow so well this time of year? To begin with, many weed seeds germinate in cold weather, so it stands to reason that while your lawn is dormant those weeds will thrive. Under normal conditions, a healthy St. Augustine grass lawn will crowd out weeds, but while your turf is dormant there is more exposed soil than usual which provides the perfect place for weeds to grow. Secondly, weed seeds are often carried in by the wind from neighboring lawns, as well as by commercial mowers for those using a lawn maintenance company, which often means that if your neighbor has a weed problem, you are likely to end up with the same problem. To reiterate, weeds at the start of the growing season are normal and is the reason why our annual lawn program, based on the University of Florida’s recommendations, commences with weed control applications. We understand how frustrating dealing with them can be, but the key is patience and the understanding that controlling them is a process.


Depending on your location, as well as the location of your ornamentals around your home, they may have received cold weather damage. It is important to remember that premature pruning before our spring season poses a risk to your plants should we receive additional cold snaps.

Herbaceous plants are very susceptible to cold weather damage and covering them may not fully protect them when the temperatures dip low or stay below freezing for long periods. Pansies, violas, and snapdragons will most likely recover with time, but impatiens and other tender plants that were unprotected may not recover. As with your turf, only time will tell what will recover or have to be replaced.

Cold damage to woody plants is dependent upon species and is going to be the most severe on tropical plants that are planted north of their normal adaptation zone. Plants like ixora and hibiscus may exhibit damage which is characterized by blackened leaf tissue. Additionally, the leaves will quickly dry out and turn brown. Part of the plant may remain green so it’s important to wait to see the extent of the damage before pruning any dead wood. Some limbs may recover and produce new leaves. If you prematurely prune, the green material will stimulate new growth leaving it very susceptible to damage from future cold weather. You should always wait until the risk of future cold weather is gone before pruning damaged material that still has green tissue under the bark. 

Frosts and freezes can produce immediate damage to the flowers and leaves of some varieties of palms, as well as deform embryonic leaves that are just forming in the bud. These deformations may not show until spring or early summer when the damaged leaves emerge. If the bud of the palm freezes, the palm may continue to grow for several months only to die in late summer. Wait until the risk of future frosts and/or freezes is gone to prune any damaged fronds that still have green tissue. 

We know this time of year can be discouraging with our dismal, brown lawns and ornamentals, but there is a lot of research and science behind the above tips. When you exercise the correct cultural practices, you will promote a beautiful and more importantly, healthy lawn and landscape for you to enjoy during our warm weather months.